Hailing from London, via Edinburgh, through Sydney and... Alice bloody Springs - common chav turned archetypal desert hippy Mark Pinfold AKA Treason has always enjoyed making waves, splashes and awkward yellow patches in the musical paddling pools he lands in.

Mark is Versatile DJ and event manager known for deliveranching performances and events that span a coarsely diced blend of chunky genres.

With a core passion for Drum and Bass that started as a teen of the late 90s, but an equal recognition that 48 hours of 174 can do very bad things to perfectly good people, he will happily preference throwing down a thick loaf of Hip Hop at half-time, Dubstep at dusk, Funk at five O’clock somewhere - and everything else in between that butters D-Floor biscuits.

Having shared stage germs with international artists from Noisia to SPOR, Australian sweethearts like Blunt Instrument and Neuron Compost, and UK beat veterans Dan Greenpeace to Vadim, Mark has a proven capacity to craft bass fuelled recipes that cause crowds to jiggle like questionable human pudding and leave their loved ones looking to lick the bowl.

Spending his more silvered years growing old gracelessly in the dry patch of Australia Central’s sheets (Alice Springs - to those who know), Mark killed much time and many brain parts supporting the establishment and development of Wide Open Space festival.

Since then, his dedication and passion for promoting arts and electronic music in weird and wonderful locations has fuelled the long drive to return to the Wytaliban stage in 2023.

With a commitment to pushing boundaries and a documented history of bass music addiction that runs deeper than a thrombosed mineshaft, Treason will be more than happy to delight your dangly bits and fancy your footwork on any stage, any time, any day.