Señor Tasty Taste (MZO!)

Señor Tasty Taste the mexican tune wrestler and former Monster Zoku Onsomb! crazy front man has been rocking the decks since he was barely toilet-trained, when he started testing his scratching skills on his Fisher-Price Music Box Record Player.

He grew up in a profoundly musical household, his parents being professional musicians who put him into classical piano, trumpet and jazz guitar lessons from the moment he had enough motor control in his hands to hold a guitar pick and buzz his lips into the trumpet.

He is nonetheless a completely self-taught DJ, buying all the necessary gear with money saved up from a full-time job as a dishwasher and learning by bringing a new piece of musical technology home, plugging it in, and pushing all the buttons until something happened.

Loves bragging about his multiple world tours playing with the likes of Aphex Twin, Luke Vibert, Venetian Snares, Peaches including rocking some of the biggest and baddest festivals around.
